Qualidade de vida e fatores asociados em mulheres climatéricas residentes na região sul do Brasil.


  • Dino R S de Lorenzi Setor de Atenção Multidisciplinar ao Climatério da Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil.
  • Bruno Saciloto
  • Graziela R Artico
  • Sabrina K R Fontana




This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life in climacteric and associated factor among women from Southeast Brazil.A cross-section study of 506 women aged between 45 and 60 years old attended at a university climacteric clinic from South Brazil from June to October 2002. Hysterectomized women, as well as hormonal therapy or hormonal contraceptive users were excluded. The quality of life was evaluated by the Women's Health Questionnaire (WHQ). Statistical analysis was performed with multiple linear regression analysis.The average of the age among the studied women was 51.3 (+/- 4.5) years old. About 15.4% were premenopausal, 34.4% perimenopausal and 50.2% postmenopausal women. The quality of life showed up deteriorated among the studied women. The factors related with quality of life were: the educational level (p < 0.01), the confirmation of smoking in the last year (p < 0.01), regular physical activity (p < 0.01), the confirmation of previous co-morbidities (p < 0.01) and the menopausal status (p < 0.01). A higher educational level, as well as the confirmation of regular physical activity led to a significant increase on their life quality. Smoking and previous clinical co-morbidities were responsible for the lower scores of quality of life. The pre-menopause was associated with a higher life quality level if compared to peri and post menopause. No differences in relation to the scores of life were identified among the perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.Nevertheless the menopausal status showed up associated to the quality of life, the results of the study pointed out that the climacteric is not just influenced by biological factors, but also by psychosocial and cultural factors.


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Como Citar

de Lorenzi DRS, Saciloto B, Artico GR, Fontana SKR. Qualidade de vida e fatores asociados em mulheres climatéricas residentes na região sul do Brasil. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 27 de Fevereiro de 2009 [citado 23 de Novembro de 2024];22(1):51-8. Disponível em: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/1684



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