Condensação pulmonar cavitada por Rhodococcus equi, num indíviduo seropositivo para o VIH.


  • A Messias Serviço de Doenças Infecciosas, Parasitárias e de Medicina Tropical, Hospital Egas Moniz, Lisboa.
  • C Araújo
  • S Lino
  • T Pacheco
  • K Masinho
  • D Ordway
  • F A Ventura



The first clinical case described in Portugal of a human infection by Rhodococcus equi in a 35 year-old HIV1 seropositive i.v. drug user is presented. The patient was admitted to hospital due to clinical and radiological suspicion of tuberculosis. While in hospital, a Rhodococcus equi cavitated lung infection was diagnosed. By applying a triple antibiotic therapy with erythromycin, rifampin and teicoplanin along with surgical excision of the lower lobe of the right lung, we were able to clinically resolve the pulmonary infection. A brief review of Rhodococcus equi infections, especially those associated to HIV1 infected individuals is also presented with particular emphasis on the therapeutic approach.


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Como Citar

Messias A, Araújo C, Lino S, Pacheco T, Masinho K, Ordway D, Ventura FA. Condensação pulmonar cavitada por Rhodococcus equi, num indíviduo seropositivo para o VIH. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 30 de Dezembro de 2000 [citado 26 de Setembro de 2024];13(5-6):329-35. Disponível em:



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