Anemia megaloblástica aguda por inalação de óxido nitroso em doente com patologia autoimune múltipla.


  • L Barbosa Serviço de Medicina, Hospital de S. José, Lisboa.
  • I Leal
  • A T Timóteo
  • T Matias



Although megaloblastic anemias are generally regarded as chronic conditions of insidious appearance, a megaloblastic state can arise over the course of only a few days due to acute folate or vitamin B12 deficiency. One of the most common causes, though seldom reported, is the nitrous oxide (N02) action in tissue. In fact N02, a volatile substance commonly used in anaesthesia, destroys methylcobalamin, leading to the rapid development of a megaloblastic haematopoiesis. This phenomenon may occur in patients without previous vitamin B12 deficit, but is more frequent and severe when there is a pre-existent deficiency state. A case report is described of a patient with femoral fracture who developed acute anemia after surgery and a latent pernicious anemia was revealed upon investigation.


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Como Citar

Barbosa L, Leal I, Timóteo AT, Matias T. Anemia megaloblástica aguda por inalação de óxido nitroso em doente com patologia autoimune múltipla. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 30 de Dezembro de 2000 [citado 30 de Junho de 2024];13(5-6):309-12. Disponível em:



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