Mastoidites agudas na criança.


  • A Serrão Neto Serviço de Pediatria do Hospital S. Francisco de Xavier, Lisboa.
  • P Flores
  • C Ruah
  • E Sousa
  • P Pereira
  • F T Noronha
  • J M Palminha
  • R Penha



We retrospectively studied seventeen cases of acute mastoiditis admitted to the Paediatric Ward of S. Francisco Xavier Hospital during 8 years and 8 months. Seven patients were admitted in 1995. We found no reason for this increase. Eleven children were male and 5 were under 2 years of age. All cases, except one of post-traumatic mastoiditis, occurred after acute otitis media. Only 5 children referred symptoms for more than seven days before admission. Seven patients had surgery. The surgical group of children had a longer period of illness when compared to those only treated medically (7.6 versus 3.9 days). Tympanocentesis was performed in 6 patients, but it did not affect the outcome of the illness. In three children there were complications: Bezold abscess, labyrinthitis and cholesteatoma. The latter was the only patient in our series with permanent hearing loss.


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Como Citar

Serrão Neto A, Flores P, Ruah C, Sousa E, Pereira P, Noronha FT, Palminha JM, Penha R. Mastoidites agudas na criança. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 31 de Julho de 1998 [citado 30 de Junho de 2024];11(7):643-7. Disponível em:



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