Neoplasias malignas primitivas do aparelho genital feminino.


  • J Saraiva Serviço de Ginecologia, Hospital Garcia de Orta., Almada.
  • F Cunha
  • M J Passos
  • I S Dos Reis
  • A Francisca
  • A Pereira
  • I Cabral
  • H Retto



A patient with synchronous multiple malignant neoplasms of the female genital tract, involving the ovary, the cervix and the endometrium is described. A 49-year-old patient, presenting pelvic pain and menometrorrhagia over the last six months. An abdominal and speculum examination revealed an abnormal mass occupying the entire left lower quadrant and a vegetating tumor of the cervix, respectively. Microscopic examination of the uterus and ovary revealed a cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary and an adenosquamous carcinoma of the cervix and an endometrioid carcinoma of the endometrium. The data suggests this is a multiple mullerian tumor. Due to treatment and prognostic implications, in the presence of a patient with a tumor involving different organs, we must not overlook differential diagnosis between primary and metastatic tumor.


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Como Citar

Saraiva J, Cunha F, Passos MJ, Dos Reis IS, Francisca A, Pereira A, Cabral I, Retto H. Neoplasias malignas primitivas do aparelho genital feminino. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 30 de Outubro de 1995 [citado 30 de Junho de 2024];8(10):585-8. Disponível em:



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