Pancreatite aguda de etiologia biliar. Casuística do Serviço de Cirurgia Geral do H. S. Francisco Xavier (1990-1993).


  • C Neves Serviço de Cirurgia Geral, Hospital S. Francisco Xavier, Lisboa.
  • C Resende
  • A F Ferreira



Gallstones and alcohol are the most important causes of acute pancreatitis, accounting for 80% of cases. One hundred and four cases of Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis were retrospectively studied, representing 39.5% of all cases of Acute Pancreatitis that have been treated between 1990-93. Abdominal ultrasound, demonstrating gallstones in 95% of the cases, was a very useful examination in the initial study of these patients. ERCP with sphincterotomy was performed in 25 patients: 6 in a urgent basis and the others as elective procedure. Gallstones have been treated during the initial admission in 80.6% of the cases and the others at a second admission: ERCP with sphincterotomy in 14 patients as the only etiologic treatment, open cholecystectomy in 50 cases and laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 29 cases. The overall mortality rate was 3.8%--four cases.


Não há dados estatísticos.


Como Citar

Neves C, Resende C, Ferreira AF. Pancreatite aguda de etiologia biliar. Casuística do Serviço de Cirurgia Geral do H. S. Francisco Xavier (1990-1993). Acta Med Port [Internet]. 31 de Dezembro de 1995 [citado 30 de Junho de 2024];8:S13-6. Disponível em:



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