Hemodiálise com bicarbonato 30 mEq/l versus 34 mEq/l e acetato: a melhor tolerância hemodinâmica e homeostasia electrolítica e ácido-base.


  • M Bruges Serviço de Nefrologia, Hospital de Santa Cruz, Carnaxide.
  • J D Barata
  • C Oliveira
  • C Furstenau
  • E M Gomes
  • J Simões




The use of bicarbonate buffer in dialysis is more physiological than acetate. The aim of this prospective study was to compare the hemodynamic stability, acid-base and electrolyte balance changes in a group of 5 hospital hemodialysis (HD) patients, with 3 different dialysis fluids: one with 30 mEq/l of bicarbonate (B30), another with 34 mEq/l of bicarbonate (B34) and the last with acetate (ACE). All the patients had more than 12 months in HD. Each patient had HD treatment with one of the 3 different dialysis fluids: ACE, B30, B34. Each HD had a duration of 4 hours, with less than 5% dry weight ultrafiltration (UF) and continuous cardiac monitoring. The following clinical and laboratory data were evaluated: arterial blood pressure (BP), cardiac rate (CR), respiratory rate (RR), cardiac arrhythmias, blood urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, total calcium (Ca), ionised calcium (Ca++), pH, bicarbonate (HCO3-) and pCO2. Statistic analysis was performed using Student's paired t test and ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. Clinical evaluation showed a CR increase only in the ACE group (pre X = 78.4 to 4 degrees h X = 102.6 p < 0.001). Analytical results demonstrated, at the 1st h, Ca++ stability in the B30 group; in the first 30' the pH decreased in the ACE group (pre X = 7.35 to 30' X = 7.34); during HD, HCO3- was not corrected in the ACE group (pre X = 19.4 to 4th h X = 20.0); at 4th, pCO2 also decreased in this group (pre X = 34.5 to 4th h X = 28.4 p < 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Como Citar

Bruges M, Barata JD, Oliveira C, Furstenau C, Gomes EM, Simões J. Hemodiálise com bicarbonato 30 mEq/l versus 34 mEq/l e acetato: a melhor tolerância hemodinâmica e homeostasia electrolítica e ácido-base. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 30 de Março de 1994 [citado 19 de Dezembro de 2024];7(3):165-70. Disponível em: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/2875



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