Precocidade da disfunção diastólica na cardiopatia hipertensiva.


  • J B Nogueira Serviço de Medicina I, Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa.



Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a well defined cardiovascular risk factor and is frequently detected by echocardiography in hypertensive patients. Systolic cardiac function at rest is usually preserved in hypertension, however, diastolic function may be frequently altered. Evidence for these changes has been demonstrated by Echo-Doppler even without concomitant existence of LVH. Quantitative and qualitative changes in contractile proteins and interstitial tissue as well as reduction of coronary reserve may be related to the mentioned dysfunction. Recent studies have confirmed the precocity of diastolic dysfunction both in laboratory animals as well as man. Further significant differences have been shown between normotensives with and without a family history of systemic hypertension. The relative importance of diastolic disfunction is also related to its possible role in the genesis of cardiac failure and its probable role in the modulation of cardiopulmonary reflexes in addition to the hemodynamics of arterial hypertension. It is not yet known if the presence of diastolic dysfunction is a mechanism or a risk marker like LVH.


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Como Citar

Nogueira JB. Precocidade da disfunção diastólica na cardiopatia hipertensiva. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 30 de Maio de 1992 [citado 30 de Junho de 2024];5(5):269-73. Disponível em:



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