Diagnóstico angiográfico dos aneurismas intra-cranianos: estudo sobre a experiência do serviço de neurorradiologia do Hospital de Egas Moniz.
In this work, 139 intra-cranial aneurysms diagnosed at the Egas Moniz Hospital were studied, from 1980 to the first quarter of 1992. The nature of this type of lesions was discussed, and aneurysms were defined as an abnormal and segmental dilatation of an intracranial artery wall. A statistical study was performed, including 67 cases after selection, corresponding to 71 aneurysms. Of these, 39% originated from the anterior cerebral artery, 37% from the carotid siphon, 18% from the middle cerebral artery and 6% were found in the vertebro-basilar system. The observed topographic incidence of the symptomatic aneurysms was compared with neuropathology data. The results obtained with the hypothesis test for a proportion are suggestive of an increased incidence of symptoms for the aneurysms of the anterior cerebral artery, with a significance level alpha = 0.05.Downloads
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