Optical diffraction applied to electron microscopy. A model of diffractometer and image processing unit.


  • F. Carvalho Rodrigues Serviço de Óptica-Física dos Plasmas, L. N. E. T. 1., Sacavém. Laboratório de Virologia. Centro de Lisboa do 1. P. O. F. G. Unidade de Microscopia Electrónica, F. M. L. Lisboa. Portugal.
  • J. F. Moura Nunes
  • J. Oliveira Soares Unidade de Microscopia Electrónica, F. M. L. Lisboa. Portugal.




The analysis of images obtained in the electron microscope is made mostly through subjective mechanisms, using the observers experience to recognize morphologic patterns which will allow the identification of the structures. The development of techniques allowing a quantitative evaluation of certain parameters (eg. the volume of cell components, quantitative autoradiography, electronprobe microanalysis, etc.) made an important contribution toward the interpretation of electron micrographs. Amongst those techniques optical diffraction, using the coherent light properties of diffraction and interference, are of paramount importance.


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Como Citar

Rodrigues FC, Nunes JFM, Soares JO. Optical diffraction applied to electron microscopy. A model of diffractometer and image processing unit. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 31 de Agosto de 1979 [citado 1 de Julho de 2024];1(4):519-24. Disponível em: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/4384



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